Elite Garcinia Diet FAQs

How Long Does it Take to See Results?
Results vary from person to person.
On average, changes in mood and energy are seen within the first day.
You can expect to see changes in weight within the first 3 days.
What are the ingredients of Elite Garcinia Diet capsules?
Garcinia Cambogia is made of 4 important nutrients that are essential to weight loss and optimal health: Hydroxycitric Acid(HCA), Calcium, Potassium, and Chromium.
What do each of these ingredients do when taken daily?

Hydroxycitric Acid is the main ingredient(55%+) and is responsible for stopping the conversion of carbohydrates and sugars into fat and also burning existing fat cells.
Potassium helps with absorption and also accelerates weight loss by converting food into fat, boosting metabolism, and developing lean body mass.
Calcium helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, and also plays a key role in the breakdown of your body’s stored fat cells.
A trace mineral called Chromium fights body fat, diminishes carb cravings, and combats insulin resistance.

Are There Any Additional Benefits of Garcinia Cambogia Extract?

Garcinia Cambogia Extract is more than just a fat burning, metabolism boosting, appetite suppressing supplement.
Some additional benefits it provides are:
Lowers cholesterol
Strengthens immune system
Improves mood by increasing serotonin
Relieves constipation
Increases exercise endurance.

Are There Side Effects When Using Garcinia Cambogia?

No life-threatening or serious side effects have been reported from the use of Garcinia Cambogia.
There have been rare instances where mild symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, and digestive problems have been reported.
Minimize potential side-effects by consulting a doctor before you take Elite Garcinia Diet capsules.
If you are a nursing mother, pregnant, have diabetes, or are taking any long-term medications you should consult your doctor before taking Elite Garcinia Diet capsules.
Stop taking EliteGarcinia Diet if you experience dizziness, dry mouth, headaches or an upset stomach or diarrhea.

What people should not take Elite Garcinia Diet capsules?

Garcinia Cambogia may interact badly with:

Asthma and allergy medicines such as Accolate and Singulair
Diabetes medicines, including pills and insulin
Iron, for anemia
Pain medicines
Prescriptions for psychiatric conditions
Statins, drugs that lower cholesterol
Warfarin, a blood thinner

Do NOT USE Elite Garcinia Diet pills when you're pregnant or nursing, or if you have kidney or liver problems.
Please use Elite Garcinia Diet pills as directed on the bottle and consult a doctor beforehand.
You must be 18 years of age to buy Elite Garcinia Diet.

How Do I Get Started?

Get started today by ordering your first bottle from Elite Garcinia Diet by clicking the Order Now tab on the top of this page or any tab on this site that says Order Elite Garcinia Diet Today.

Order Elite Garcinia Diet today